1. Don’t take this exam lightly!
- There are 180 questions. You must answer them within 230 minutes (a little less than 4 hours)
- Content is pulled not only from PMBOK but also various other sources
- It will require time for you to not only memorize terms, definitions and formulas, but you also need time to actually learn and understand the PMI way
2. Treat your “PMP Exam Prep” as a project
- This initiative is temporary and unique.
- It has a definitive start and end
- It will produce a deliverable; you being PMP Certified
- These are all characteristics of a project
- For this reason, you should create an INITIAL high level plan or schedule to support this project
3. Begin Preparation
- Become a member of PMI
here- Read the “PMP Handbook” from
here- Acquire a copy of “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge” (PMBOK) and the "Agile Practice Guide". Get the bundle from
here (These are for reference)
- PMI also recommends other reference matericals. See the full list
4. Create a Study Plan
- After receiving and reviewing PMBOK as well as you supporting exam prep materials, update your high-level plan with more a detailed study plan. This is an example of Progressive Elaboration.
- Acquire and or adjust the PMP Exam Prep Plan. Part of
PMP Prep Pack.
5. Study!
- Read your study guide
- Read the supporting PMP Exam materials
- Memorize Terms and Definitions. PMBOK® Glossary Terms and Definitions 6th Edition 2017 online
- Study ITTO's and be able to interprate output of Earned Value calculations. Part of
PMP Prep Pack,
- About 50% or more of the questions are based upon Adaptive Approach (Agile). Memorizing the Scrum Framework is crtical. Study this video:
Scrum Framework Overview - Memorization is Important, but understanding is Paramount.
6. Practice Questions
- Complete as many practice questions as you can find. Thousands of FREE Practice Questions
here- Suggestion is to take a pre-test prior to each chapter to set a baseline of your knowledge
- Study that chapter
- Take a post test. Take your time and think about the questions and draw from your understanding
- Review questions that you missed to understand why
7. Consider a Training Course
- This can be used as part of your 35 hours of Education needed for the PMP Application
- These are quite frequently referenced as Workshops
- These are generally fast paced and should be viewed as a way to supplement your personal studies
8. Network
- Talk to others
- Join your local PMI Chapter
- Join online discussion groups
9. Take full practice test
- These are often referred to as Exam Simulators
- Practice with 180 questions
- This will help you in time management for the real exam
- Use results and go study the knowledge areas where you fell short
- Try the full practice test multiple times
- Goal is to consistently hit 85%
- Find some exam simulators from
10. REST!
- Build into your schedule one day of rest before your exam day
- Studying on this last day can cause un-needed anxiety
- Have all your items needed ready prior to exam day
- Get a full 8 hours of sleep