This is "Module 11 – Dealing with a Late Task in Microsoft Project", which is part of a series on "How to Integrate Microsoft Project and Microsoft Planner".
66. Accepting updates into Microsoft Project works in the same way regardless if the tasks were updated by the team member via the web or via the Planner App. Simply navigate to the Microsoft Project schedule and click on Save within the upper left of the Quick Access Toolbar
67. The updates will then be applied. Notice that the Decide Color task completed on Thursday 11/22 and is now 100% complete.
68. This makes all the tasks within the Planning phase complete, so we can input 100% on the Planning Complete Milestone to mark it complete.
69. After applying this update we see that the Milestone Finish date for both Execution Complete and Closure Completed have slipped past the Deadline Finish date. Depicted by the red diamond within the Indicator column.
70. By examining the Tracking Gantt view, we can see that the Decide Color task finished one day later than the Baseline Finish.
71. In order to get the project back on track, Lauren promises to complete the Purchase Supplies task in 1 day instead of 2, so that Duration is updated
72. The project is now back on track
73. Ensure you Save your changes.
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